Instagram story ideas: interesting and cool for a personal account

Ideas for Instagram History number in the hundreds. Ideas are limited, in fact, solely by the imagination of the account owner. The article is intended to suggest options for the design of personal space within a social network.

Let’s start by presenting the events of the past day as a 15-second story. This is a good alternative to posting to your stream. Take pictures from dawn to dusk, and then blindfold a single video file. Add musical accompaniment to the rhythm of your life on Instagram.

The system imposes a limit on the maximum movie length – 15 seconds. However, you have the right to apply a small life hack. Just increase the speed of translation and place additional photos in a slide show.

ideas for story one step

Instagram Story Ideas

We present to your attention the basic options for setting up Stories for personal needs:

  • when you move your fingers to the right across the screen, a selection of filters opens;
  • when you touch the stickers, you can put other stickers;
  • take a screenshot of the photo in the Camera Roll and re-post the publication in the Stories if the image in the History arbitrarily resizes;
  • users with at least 10 thousand subscribers have the right to post links;
  • Among the ideas for Storis on Instagram, there was also a program called No Crop, which will help fans of posting content without cropping;
  • if there is a Live Photo option on an iOS device, you will see pictures moving along the boomerang path;
  • if the posts are supplemented by location, the audience coverage is expanded;
  • to get text on a gradient, click on the text text in camera mode (set the background using the circle).

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Interesting ideas for Storys

Activate the English interface in the Instagram settings (in the “Language” group, select “English”). Restart the application to access the stickers used by the English-speaking audience of the messenger.

You may have noticed on the pages of celebrities the location of the virtual stickers with the names of cities. The option is valid when the account owner is located in cities with a population of one million people and geolocation is enabled. [Sc name = “citat-close”]

Follow these steps to monotonously color the Stories display:

  • click on the pencil image in the upper left;
  • indicate the color you like and adjust the size;
  • the further implementation of the idea for Storis on Instagram involves filling the frame with a short finger delay;
  • for the first pass, the display is painted, for the second – transparency is applied;
  • Now it’s time to show artistic abilities and something to “get hot” on the full screen. Touching the frame, you will cause the appearance of circles. But by changing the size of the virtual eraser, it becomes possible to draw with your finger.

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Cool ideas for Storis

A good way to warm up the interest of subscribers is to show the details of product preparation if you are busy promoting a commercial account. Audiences like a look behind the scenes, which is definitely worth taking.

Similar pictures, taken almost in haste, make Insta users penetrate deeper into the atmosphere of doing business. Your brand confidence is inadvertently increased.

Due to adjustments to the publication rating system, the Feed shows unpredictable behavior. Highlighted posts with lots of likes as well as people.

The meaning of a similar idea for Storis on Instagram is to solve the problem of notifying subscribers about new events by posting photos in Story. Use the top position for displaying Stories on a social network. Announce the news in this section, and then the followers themselves will go to the Feed to find out the details..

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Ideas for Actual Stories

Take a look at the placement of shares in current Stories (Highlights). Since this is a good opportunity to keep the attention of subscribers during the period of attractive discounts.

Similarly, you have the right to do with contests, which from time to time tend to be forgotten by the audience. Highlights is the right place to post relevant information..

There is a niche in the Actual and for promotional materials. The feed is not the best way to post ads, but it will also be removed from Storeys after a day. Therefore, use the function of pinning posts in Highlights.

Ideas for the Story with Answers

Create an intelligent battle among subscribers using the question sticker! Such an idea for Storis on Instagram will come in handy if you are playing a prize. Bet on rewards for providing the right answer. At the same time, there will be another reason to post a new post – the results of the quiz.

However, it is not necessary to experience the excitement of Insta members. You can add a question to test the erudition of users in various fields.

How to make Instagram History

The live format is available for placement:

  • in the Storyz section for a day;
  • in the memory of the smartphone’s disk drive.

Live takes place with the participation of invited followers with an optional selection of comments. Only the vertical orientation of the broadcast is displayed on the air. Also there is no function to complement visual effects.

Repeated repetition of video by means of an official client. Similar Boomerang can be equipped with virtual stickers, labels, filters, etc..

Superzoom format allows you to:

  • change the display scale of the object selected in the video clip;
  • using this idea for Storis on Instagram, you can impose dramatic musical accompaniment.