How to do a survey with answer options on Instagram

How to make a survey on Instagram? A question that worries users who have never encountered this procedure.

Thanks to the ability to communicate between users, view and comment on photos and videos, a social network such as Instagram has become very popular. Today, 650 million people from all over the world are actively using it, and the number of users is increasing daily..

Facebook developers are constantly improving and updating the social network. There are new opportunities for communication and maintaining interest in content. One of the recent innovations is polls in Instagram story. You can ask your subscribers, friends, acquaintances, fans about anything: how they are doing, what they think about you, what films they prefer, what they do in the evenings.

There is a format in which there are only two possible answers: yes and no. You can listen to the opinions of users and your audience about your new hairstyle, are they happy with their day, is this dress suitable for you, is it worth buying this car. And in real time, percentages of votes will be tracked, depending on the preferences of the voters. After 24 hours, the story will disappear, but it will be saved in the archive and the owner will be able to upload the results to a new story. It is possible to create many polls by publishing several stories. We will understand in detail.

 How to make a survey in the history on Instagram?

Not only popular Instagram profile owners, but regular users can also ask their friends for stories. Here is a simple step-by-step instruction:

  • Take a short video or photo, or select a picture for photo.
  • Upload Instagram Story Content.
  • Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. You will see a menu with all the possible functions: geolocation and date, temperature outside the window and emoticons and questions, much more.
  • We select the type where there are two buttons with answer options. In total, there are 2 types of answers available – yes or no. We click on the function and drag to the history.
  • Set the button in a convenient place in the store.

We form the question in a special field or in a separate text by clicking on the “A” button at the top of the screen. Click on the checkmark to publish story.

Instead of “yes” or “no” you can write any words, but not too long phrases. \

Voted subscriber or ranger will see the current value of statistics on the vote. You cannot change the selected voice. Is it possible to add another answer option?

Multiple Choice Answers

How to do a survey with answer options on Instagram? Many of us ask about this. Most recently (at the beginning of 2020), developers were pleased with the new feature. It is impossible to add a third answer point directly, but an additional function has appeared – “Quiz”. Step-by-step instructions for creating a quiz of three options on Instagram:

  • Take a short video or take a photo, or select a background image for the photo.
  • Download the Instagram story post.
  • Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. You will see a menu with all possible functions..
  • Select the quiz button, click on it.
  • Instead of “guess what I like,” you can write whatever you want.
  • There are two options by default, but you can automatically create a third and fourth.
  • There is a trick in that 1 out of three (or four) answers will be correct, and the rest will not. Click on the appropriate letter to select the item that is correct. By clicking on the correct answer, the user will receive a small salute as a reward. Subscribers will not see statistics, but you will see the number of answers for each item in the test.

In the history of “no”

Choose either the standard type, or if you want one of the two options to be correct, create a test.

Survey of 3 options

The standard way will not work, only with the help of a quiz.

What polls can be done on Instagram?

There are three types of interactivity:

  • with two options and percentages for each item.
  • Quiz with several options (minimum 2), one of which is true.
  • Direct questions.