Lost account on Instagram: what to do and how to find

Lost page on Instagram on iPhone or Android? Before you write to the support service and panic, it is worth considering the reasons why personal and business profiles disappear from search results. Recently, there have been quite a few malfunctions and failures on Instagram, many of which lead to “accidental” deletion or blocking.

why the account on Instagram was lost

Why Instagram account lost

The management of the Instagram social network insists that the page can be blocked for two reasons:

  • Violated the rules of the social network, published prohibited content, insulted other people, etc .;
  • Login data was stolen by hackers, who in the near future, with a high probability, will require money from you to restore access.

What to do in such a situation?

If, when starting the Instagram application, you are faced with the appearance of an authorization form, or when you start the social network from a computer, the login or password does not work, this is most likely due to the fact that your page has disappeared and is no longer available to others.

Instagram account disappeared, user is not found

You should act in the following way:

  1. Try to restore access through the “Forgot Password” link in the authorization form.
  2. Contact support with a precise description of the problem. If the profile is stolen, the administration will help return it; in case of blocking, it will tell about further actions to unlock.

A small nuance is that it’s better to communicate with customer support in the English version of the site. According to statistics, the administration responds to English-language messages many times faster than to requests from Russian-speaking users.

Why the page on Instagram disappeared

If you lost your account on Instagram, but you are sure that no one except you could change the username and password, the reason may be in the lock. The lock can be partial or complete without the possibility of recovery. In case of partial blocking, the user must pass verification, without which the profile will not be displayed in the search.

Verification is carried out in several ways:

  • SMS to the number associated with the account;
  • Solving captcha on the site;
  • Email with recovery link.

Writes “user not found”

The inscription “User not found” when searching for an account may be displayed for several reasons:

  1. The user you are looking for has added your account to the black list. Any accounts can be blocked, regardless of their type.
  2. Spelling mistakes were made while entering user name or nickname.
  3. The user intentionally indicated during registration data that is distinguishable from real to hide his account from curious comrades.
  4. The user is not registered on the social network Instagram.

account lost on instagram user not found

Instagram business account lost: main reasons

Business accounts, like regular personal Instagram pages, can disappear for two reasons:

  • The account owner violated the set of rules of the social network, as a result, the page was blocked temporarily or permanently. Recovery is available only after contacting the social network administration with a request.
  • Account access data was stolen by a hacker.

In order to prevent hacking of the page, it is advisable not to transfer the username and password to third parties, enter data on questionable sites and third-party applications.
