Basic ways to add hashtags on Instagram

How to add hashtags on Instagram is an important issue for users of a social network. According to the owners of the pages, the ability to correctly put down such queries is considered art. Words should not be put randomly, but according to the system. This opens up many positive factors. The article gives recommendations on how this process is carried out, how to work with words correctly.

How to add hashtags on instagram?

What are these words and for what purpose do they serve? In fact, these are short but capacious words, where each reflects the meaning of a post or advertisement. If you correctly put down tags, you can share photos and videos with friends and colleagues, promote your account.

After publication

Search queries are affixed immediately after publication. They are used not only by media personalities, but by users. They write a post and decide to put down the necessary words and phrases. This process is performed as follows:

  1. After the text of the post or description of the photo, the # icon is put.
  2. A pre-invented capacious and memorable word is written. It must be consistent with the topic of publication..
  3. You can not invent a word, but borrow it in other similar profiles.
  4. If the user wants to spell more than one word, but two or more, no space is entered between them. Another option is to separate the tags with a lower space..
  5. # Is not placed at the end.
  6. If necessary, put down two or more queries, each should be separated by a space.

Entering these words is allowed in Russian, Latin and transliteration. If you select and set a word once, the instagram will then offer it regularly. This makes the process easier if you need to insert queries under the photo on different topics..

In profile

If the account does not act as a business page, if it is not a serious portal, the requests may be as follows:

  • Simple;
  • Funny;
  • Reflective nature.

Depends on personal preferences and on the imagination of a person. Through such words you can share your impressions, emotions. Over time, it will become clear which can be classified as eternal. According to them, users will find the owner of the profile.

In history

Putting the right words is permissible not only under posts, but in story. You can direct viewers and users to view content. To achieve such a result, you need to upload the desired content to the story, and in order to sign it, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Social Network Resource Launches.
  2. Button is pressed +.
  3. Select a video or photo and click Next.
  4. Editing if necessary.
  5. In the menu, which is located on top, you need to select the hashtag option.
  6. Words are written that characterize the meaning of the post..
  7. Share button is pressed.

After that, the hashtag appears in the list of posts. When carrying out such an operation, the restrictions should be observed. Do not put a lot of words, there is a risk of closing the image. The second limitation is the time of the video, in the history it is no more than 15 seconds.

How to add hashtags on Instagram under the photo?

In the context of this issue, we can consider the operation of adding queries via a PC. To understand how to do this correctly, you should consider the option to use Mozilla Firefox. The user needs to perform the following actions:

  • This browser is launched and a button with built-in extensions is pressed;
  • The words Instagram-Web are entered and Enter is activated;
  • The Add to Firefox button is clicked;
  • The corresponding icon will appear, click on it..

After that, the person launches the web version of the application. The interface will be the same as in a mobile phone. The necessary content after publication can be affixed and placed according to the standard scheme.

To summarize

If you know how to correctly add hashtags in your profile and correctly select the meaning of words, you can successfully promote a page on an Instagram social network. In order to make such an active query out of an ordinary word, just put an appropriate icon in front of it. If its meaning is consistent with the publication, this will guarantee a rapid growth of subscribers.
